
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes


The honours program in Screen and Media aims to extend aspects of the knowledge gained in the Screen and Media major of the undergraduate degree, so that students develop areas of academic specialisation at a level beyond that normally attainable in the degree as they become independent thinkers and researchers and familiarise themselves and develop advanced skills in producing and communicating research.

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Discuss existing academic knowledge in the area of their specialisation at an advanced level
Discuss existing academic knowledge in the area of their specialisation at an advanced level
Develop and support an extended argument needed for an Honours research thesis
Develop and support an extended argument needed for an Honours research thesis
Create an extended piece of research, including evaluating, analysing and deploying evidence
Create an extended piece of research, including evaluating, analysing and deploying evidence
Take a leading role in communicating their findings, in both oral and written form at an advanced level
Demonstrate taking a leading role in communicating their findings, in both oral and written form at an advanced level

Available in courses

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - 1 year