To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.
Student guidance
Program of study overview
Professional accreditation and recognition
Professional accreditation
Program of study
36 Units
Core36 Units
The aims of the honours program in psychology are to build on earlier training to provide a broad base in contemporary psychological theory and research, to bring diverse psychology subject areas together by pointing to shared themes, issues, problems and techniques, and to enhance students' understanding of methodological and data analysis issues.
It aims to better acquaint students with the actual process of research, to show how Psychology can contribute to understanding and solving real-world problems, and to promote critical or evaluative thinking (e.g., about theory, methods, applications).
Learning outcomes
On completion students will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of psychological theories in relation to a range of major areas within the discipline, such as social, developmental, cognitive, and abnormal psychology
Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of psychological assessment and measurement
Critically evaluate theoretical claims and primary research
Plan and conduct research to answer well-justified questions
Demonstrate knowledge of the ethical guidelines governing psychological research and clinical practice
Connect their theoretical knowledge and learned psychological techniques to relevant real-world problems
Distil key ideas from the literature and communicate concepts and primary research in both written and oral form
Available in courses
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) - 4 years
Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Honours) - 1 year
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - 1 year
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) - 1 year