To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.The major in Geospatial Information Systems provides students with a broad overview of the discipline. Students will explore the fundamental concepts within the discipline as well as master hands-on skills needed to … For more content click the Read More button below.
Student guidance
Program of study overview
Program of study notes
Program of study
36 Units
Level 1 Core9 Units
Level 1 Option4.5 Units
Level 2 Core13.5 Units
Level 3 Option9 Units
The aim of this major is to provide students with a broad-based foundation in Geospatial Information Systems (GIS). It also aims to develop a range of transferable research, analytical and communication skills including the capacity to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of GIS, its historical development, capacity, advantages, and disadvantages.
- Critically analyse and evaluate spatial and aspatial information with a GIS and solve problems.
- Appreciate the multidisciplinary nature of GIS and engage positively with people and ideas within these disciplines and beyond.
- Communicate effectively with a variety of audiences in written, spoken and cartographic form.
- Work independently and take responsibility for updating and adapting their knowledge and skills.
- Appreciate the role of GIS in society, and the ethical issues that may arise from the technology.
- Work effectively and productively within a team
The major provides the foundations that will underpin ongoing professional development, preparing graduates for further study in Geospatial Information Systems or another science or non-science related discipline or for a career in GIS related fields or in other areas where the range of skills and knowledge acquired is needed or desirable.
Learning outcomes
On completion students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of GIS, its historical development, capacity, advantages, and disadvantages
Analyse relationships between spatial and aspatial entities using GIS and a range of cartographic and statistical techniques
Demonstrate an understanding of Earth observation theory, its relationship with GIS and integration with GIS
Create and manage geodatabases
Communicate their findings to a variety of audiences in written, spoken and cartographic form
Appreciate that the GIS is multidisciplinary and has connections to other science and non-science disciplines
Work and learn independently and appreciate the need for continuing professional development
Interact effectively as part of a team in order to achieve common goals
Appreciate the importance of ethical behaviour in scholarship and professional activity
Available in courses
Bachelor of Laws - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts and Science
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Science