
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


The major aims to:

  • Enhance pre-service teachers’ confidence and enthusiasm for teaching languages
  • Enhance pre-service teachers’ understanding of the Teaching and Learning cycle in the Australian Curriculum: Languages
  • Develop pre-service teachers’ capacity to plan highly effective classroom teaching and evidence, evaluate and improve the impact of their teaching of languages on student learning
  • Enhance pre-service teachers’ ability to explain and justify their pedagogical approach
  • Develop pre-service teachers’ capacity to continue their professional learning in languages

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Design learning and assessment activities in languages supported by well-developed pedagogical reasoning and disciplinary knowledge and skills
Plan strategies to evidence, evaluate and improve the impact of their teaching of languages on student learning
Plan strategies to providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning in languages
Explain and justify the use of teaching and learning techniques to effectively differentiate the languages curriculum to ensure the engagement and participation of all students
Evaluate the development of their knowledge, understanding and skills related to English and identify goals, strategies and resources to continue their professional learning

Available in courses

Bachelor of Education (Primary)