The Bachelor of Psychological Science - Offshore requires 3 years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time). The course is offered co-jointly by the Department of Psychology at HELP University (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) and the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work at Flinders University. The course is delivered entirely … For more content click the Read More button below.
Student guidance
Program of study overview
Admission requirements
Admission requirements
The aims of this course are to develop knowledge of the factors influencing human behaviour and experience, and to provide skills for the application of this knowledge to issues in the real world. Graduates will develop core knowledge in psychological theory and research to prepare them for possible entry into an Honours program in psychology.
The course provides comprehensive knowledge of such fields as learning, motivation, personality, emotion, development across the lifespan, social and cultural influences, biological influences, and mental health. Also integral to the course is the development of critical thinking and research skills, and an understanding of the ethical responsibilities of researchers and psychology clinicians.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course you will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of influences on human behaviour, both normal and abnormal
Understand the principles and techniques of psychological research
Demonstrate knowledge of Psychological Assessment and measurement
Critically analyse ideas and research
Connect theoretical knowledge and learned psychological techniques with relevant real-world problems
Demonstrate knowledge of ethical principles governing the conduct of research, the use of formal assessment tests and clinical practice by psychologists
Demonstrate discipline-based writing skills and APA-style conventions
Professional accreditation and recognition
Professional accreditation
Honours - 1 year/Bachelor association
Honours - Embedded/Bachelor association
Onshore/Offshore association