
THIS COURSE IS NOT OFFERED IN 2023While the Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science can be taken as a stand alone award it is also designed as a pathway to Flinders Master of Engineering awards for graduates without an Engineering degree.The course articulates with one of the following 72 unit courses … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study
36 Units

Year 136 Units

Admission requirements

Admission requirements
Assumed knowledge
English Language requirements


The course has been designed to provide graduates with:

  • Additional study in both the theoretical and the practical aspects of engineering that builds on a student's previous knowledge and experience
  • The Ability to critically analyse and evaluate information and solve problems
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities and a commitment to them
  • well developed written and oral communication skills
  • An understanding of the need to undertake lifelong learning and the capacity to do so
  • Preparation for future roles as a professional engineer

The course provides the foundations that will underpin ongoing professional development, preparing graduates for further study or for a career in an engineering related field or in other areas where the range of skills and knowledge acquired is needed or desirable.

Completion of this award enables students to enrol in Flinders University Master of Engineering awards.