
The Master of Science (Water Resources Management) requires 2 years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time). The course specialisation is offered by the College of Science and Engineering.The course specialisation articulates with the 18 unit Graduate Certificate in Science (Water Resources Management) and the 36 unit Graduate Diploma in … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study
72 Units

Year 236 Units

Admission requirements

Admission requirements
English Language requirements


The course specialisation is designed to provide students with a program that offers them to gain both the overview as well as the depth of knowledge and application of skills in the different aspects of water resources management. These aspects include project management and integrated water management. Elective coursework and a choice of research or industry project enables students to build on the common 1st year topics a program of study that meets their individual needs and interest. The industry project has been designed to assist students in becoming professionally aware through quality interaction with industry leaders.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Understand the scientific problems involved in the management of water
Combine a broad range of science and management methods for integrated water resources management issues
Apply management fundamentals to solve current problems and to anticipate, mitigate and prevent future problems in the area of water resources management
Recognise and appreciate social, political, economic and environmental impacts on water resources management
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing, the nature of, and solution to, water resources management issues and problems

Student progression rules

Note that students who wish to use their masters qualification to satisfy entry into a Flinders University research higher degree program are required to have completed at least an 18 unit postgraduate research component.