
The Bachelor of Public Health requires 3 years of full-time study (or the equivalent part time). The course is offered by the College of Medicine and Public Health.This course articulates with the 18 unit Undergraduate Certificate in Public Health.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study
108 Units

Year 136 Units
Year 236 Units

Admission requirements

Admission requirements
English Language requirements


This course aims to:

  • Introduce students to develop knowledge of, application, and critical evaluation of research methodologies into public health
  • Develop knowledge of theoretical and critical approaches to the development and evaluation of public health policy and interventions
  • Develop critical analysis of the ideological and economic models underpinning and reinforcing inequity and limiting access to universal
    quality care and self-determination in health
  • Develop knowledge of and critical awareness of systemic racism and inequality, and alternative processes and conceptualisations of
    Indigenous health
  • Empower students to develop their leadership and project management skills for social justice and equity advocacy, and to develop their professional profile to transition to employment in the public health sector

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Critically apply theoretical knowledge on how the health status of populations can be determined by the combined effects of biomedical and social determinants of health
Identify rigorous quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches and determine how these approaches are important to answering public health research questions
Apply well-founded knowledge and skills regarding epidemiology for best public health practice that will prevent or contain pandemics and other important public health problems
Make use of the principles of social justice and public health to reduce health inequities, with a strong focus on Indigenous health
Develop and communicate a critical appraisal of evaluation models, policy processes, stakeholder engagement and economic analysis
Evaluate ways to address contemporary challenges of local, national and global significance to deliver outcomes that benefit the population
Develop and undertake a research project or intervention with an industry partner on a relevant and current issue

Student progression rules

The award of a grade of Fail (F) in more than one topic, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University’s Policy on Student Progress.


Course/Exit award association