The Bachelor of Community Studies is only available as an exit award.On completion of at least 108 units in the Bachelor of Social Work students may exit with the Bachelor of Community Studies.In order to be able to exit with the Bachelor of Community Studies students must indicate their intention … For more content click the Read More button below.
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Program of study overview
Graduates will apply social work theories, methods and skills to enhance the wellbeing of individuals, groups and communities and to address inequality and injustice. Incorporating knowledge from a range of disciplines, including psychology, sociology and social policy, graduates will focus on the interaction between people and their environments. Graduates will build effective relationships with the people they work with. Graduates will work in a range of contexts, including government, not for profit and private organisations.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course you will be able to:
Critically analyse the dynamics of power, privilege and oppression, relating issues to the broader social context
Examine understandings of psychological health and wellbeing, including human development and behaviour, to work effectively with people across the lifecycle
Use professional and ethical judgement and decision making, and decolonising, culturally responsive and inclusive practices
Apply advanced oral and written communication skills and knowledge of the political, legal and organisational contexts to work collaboratively and effectively, both with service users and in multidisciplinary teams, using information and communication technologies as appropriate
Course/Exit award association