The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - General Entry Pathway is an entry point to the University's other Bachelor of Engineering courses. Students complete three semesters of study in this course before transferring to the second year of any named Flinders Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) award. To graduate thus requires a total of four and a half years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time).
Student guidance
A study planner will help you decide what topics to study and when. Use it as a guide to plan your enrolment and complete your degree, alongside the program of study, ensuring all requisites are met.
Visit Study planner for more information.
Contact AskFlinders if you cannot find a relevant study planner.
To qualify for a named Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) degree, a student must complete 144 units with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic as described in the course rule for the chosen named degree.
The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - General Entry Pathway, requires the completion of at least 36 units including MATH1121 and PHYS1701 with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic, according to the program of study below.
Not all topics are necessarily available each year.
- This Program of Study serves as a suggested study plan. When core topics are offered in both halves of the year, students may enrol in these topics in either half of the year as long as requisites are met
- With the permission of the Course Coordinator students entering with SACE Stage 2 (Year 12) Physics may substitute PHYS1701 for another topic
- Students who wish to transfer to the:
- Bachelor of Engineering (Software) (Honours) should select all topics under the COMP Option Topics list
- Students wishing to transfer to any other Bachelor of Engineering (Specialisation) (Honours) should select the topics under the ENGR Option Topics list
Program of study
54 Units
Admission requirements
The minimum requirements for consideration for entry to all undergraduate courses are specified in detail in the University Entry Requirements.
SACE Stage 2 (Year 12) General Mathematics, SACE Stage 1 (Year 11) Mathematics or equivalent International Baccalaureate subjects are normally required.
Applicants who have completed either SACE Stage 2 (Year 12) Specialist Mathematics or Mathematical Methods or equivalent International Baccalaureate subjects are eligible to apply for entry direct to a specialised Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) degree.