The Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing is designed for nurses who want to build on their existing knowledge and skill and practise effectively at an advanced practice level in emergency care settings. This degree introduces emergency care principles and focuses on common emergency presentations, as well as examines key aspects … For more content click the Read More button below.
Course offerings
Bedford Park
Courses / qualifications may not be offered in all locations and modes each year. For more information on Mode of Delivery, visit Mode definitions
Student guidance
Study planner
Program of study overview
Program of study notes
Program of study
18 Units
Year 118 Units
Admission requirements
Admission requirements
Special requirements
The course aims to:
- Facilitate the development of specialised knowledge, skills and attributes for application in emergency care nursing environments
- Extend student knowledge of the scientific and research-based evidence that underpins critical care and technical skills that align with the relevant practice standards for specialist emergency nurses
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course you will be able to:
Assess, review and analyse patient health data to identify and explain the rationale for solutions to complex problems in emergency nursing
Apply skills to critically appraise emergency nursing practice and integrate relevant research evidence into effective individualised plans for people with undifferentiated illness or injury
Apply critical thinking processes, and problem-solving abilities to evaluate and administer nursing care to critically ill patients in emergency departments
Employ effective specialised technical skills in the delivery of specialist emergency nursing care
Student progression rules
Failure to complete the course within four consecutive semesters or the award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion or in 9 units or more, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.
Course/Exit award association