
This topic uses an integrative approach to understand the range of physiological systems that determine how animals and plants maintain their internal environment (i.e. water and ionic relations, circulation, nutrient acquisition, growth, circadian rhythms) in response to a broad range of external environments, with particular focus on difficult external environments … For more content click the Read More button below.

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After completing this topic students should have a basic understanding of how animal and plant physiology influences their perception of and response to the external environment. Students should also be able to integrate their physiological understanding when observing interactions between animals and plants in their environment. Students will also gain skills for monitoring aspects of ex situ and in situ plant and animal physiology. Finally, students will have experience of applying their physiological understanding and skills through identifying, exploring and reporting on natural animal-plant interactions. This will be achieved through a research project that will require students to utilise effective group work and management skills to identify an appropriate animal-plant system, observe and monitor the system, and present their findings in oral and written format.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Understand the basic physiological function (including the associated anatomy) that animals and plants rely on to survive in their external environments
Understand how knowledge of the physiological constraints of animals and plants enhance the understanding of observed interactions between animals and plants within their environment and with each other
Have awareness of how evolution has influenced the multitude of physiological alternatives observed in the natural world
Apply the concepts presented in lectures to unfamiliar examples of animal and plant interactions
Identify and apply the appropriate laboratory and field based physiological monitoring in novel situations
Use an understanding of physiological system function and apply skills for monitoring of animal and plant physiology to design, execute and report on a research project/review using a team approach


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