
From The Odyssey to Viking Age sagas, One Thousand and One Nights to Star Wars and Game of Thrones, the epic has fascinated readers and writers for centuries. In this topic, students will engage with epic stories - ancient and new - to explore their enduring popularity. We will consider … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to provide students with the opportunity to create a single piece of prose fiction that engages with concepts, themes, and structures of epic literature. Students will research and read selected examples of epic literature and draw on this as inspiration for their own fiction.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Appraise epic and other literary texts through clear and effective oral and written communication
Consider appropriate responses to literary texts through the production of literary essays and creative pieces
Debate the relevance of the cultural and historical context of literature to their reading of literature; with peers and experts from the field


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