This topic will introduce preservice teachers to language development in the early childhood and primary school years. The components of language are explored, and preservice teachers learn how to appraise their own linguistic knowledge. A key focus of the topic is to understand how language is presented and taught in … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to:
- Introduce preservice teachers to the Early Years Learning Framework and the Australian Curriculum English Language strand and consider how language development is represented within these two frameworks
- Cultivate knowledge of how communication, language speech and early literacy develops in the early childhood and primary school years, including signals for language difficulties and characteristics of language difficulties or disorders
- Evaluate and interpret research-informed models of language development and the components of language across receptive, expressive, spoken and written modalities
- Provide an opportunity for preservice teachers’ to appraise their own linguistic knowledge
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Explain the components of speech sound development, language development, communication development and early literacy development
Interpret what constitutes typical and atypical speech, language and early literacy development in the early childhood and primary school years
Evaluate their own level of linguistic knowledge and appraise methods of constructing this knowledge further throughout their degree and beyond
Organise knowledge of speech, language and emergent literacy development around the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Australian Curriculum
Apply knowledge of speech, language and emergent literacy development in order to interpret whether case studies represent typical or atypical development
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Requisites information
Assumed knowledge
High level of literacy competency.