This topic provides a detailed look at how an inquiry process of discovery can be purposefully integrated amongst science explorations with children. Building on everyday science concepts, play and inquiry processes are used to discover concepts of the new world. This topic provides inter‐curricular teaching strategies for the investigation of … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to:
- Enhance the confidence, knowledge, and skills of pre‐service teachers in Biological Sciences, with a strong sustainability perspective and supported by inter‐curriculum links where appropriate
- Promote scientific thinking using inquiry processes with play approaches for developing a series of learning experiences and unit plans
- Develop critical analysis skills for developing and critiquing teaching plans using multimodal communication techniques which help engage and explain living things and the natural world to children
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Examine the structure of science as a learning area in the Early Years and Primary curriculum to target physical, social, and intellectual development and characteristics of learners at different stages
Explore the roles of natural world and simple tools for investigating the world through inquiry and play‐based teaching approaches
Explain how living things have needs for survival, have observable features which differ and change over time, have life cycles, and features of adaptations to help them survive and grow in different environments when affected by different conditions in their environment
Design a series of learning experiences and assessment for supporting children’s interaction with the natural environment and living things connected to solving a local or global environmental problem
Evaluate plans for learning experiences and assessment with peers by providing feedback and identify gaps in knowledge and skills to plan for professional learning needs
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