
This topic is designed to develop specialised knowledge of the inter-curricula links between early childhood and primary pedagogies, numeracy, and literacies necessary for teaching technologies thinking and design processes and production skills. Through a focus on the  Technologies curriculum learning area, the topic will build on pre-service teachers' broad understanding … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to:

  • Extend pre-service teachers’ confidence, knowledge and skills in technologies learning and teaching
  • Enable pre-service teachers to develop an appropriate integrated program in literacies, numeracy, and technologies with design for children aged birth-12 years
  • Enhance pre-service teachers’ personal approach to teaching with and through technologies , based on their critical analysis of research and practical experiences. This analysis will draw on theoretical,  Indigenous and cultural perspectives that have shaped civilisation’s technological endeavours

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Apply critical self-knowledge which will form the foundation for expert judgement when planning to teach Technologies curriculum and supportive capabilities including ICT, Numeracy and Literacy
Evaluate and document their teaching practice in response to an evolving body of research in numeracy, literacies and technologies thinking
Demonstrate an advanced capacity to plan, analyse and implement a range of approaches to numeracy, literacies and technologies curriculum
Critique children’s learning resources and synthesise understandings of the relationship between play, teaching, learning and assessment to generate effective learning across numeracy, literacies and technologies thinking


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Requisites information
