This topic examines the historical context of Indigenous Australian education in order to understand contemporary educational experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, families and communities. Teachers who understand Indigenous perspectives on Australian history, the construction of 'Race' as an oppressive lens and education as a system of power … For more content click the Read More button below.
The topic explores current theoretical frameworks and teaching practice in Australia, through inter-disciplinary and Indigenous knowledge systems. To address AITSL Standards 1.4 and 2.4, students will develop a deeper understanding of the complexities Indigenous peoples experience in the Australian education system. The topic will assist students to make an ongoing commitment to becoming a critical, reflexive and more effective teacher of Indigenous students.
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This topic aims to develop:
- An understanding of the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander schooling experiences and Australian education from an Indigenous perspective
- A critical understanding of the issues in, and models of, contemporary Indigenous Australian education and policy
- An awareness of the power relations inherent in the historical constructions of 'race', racism, representation and identity and how this impacts on contemporary education policy
- A respect for the histories, cultures and perspectives of Indigenous communities
- Culturally sensitive and inclusive pedagogy demonstrating skills and knowledge in order for them to become an effective teacher of Indigenous students
- Students' ability to research and communicate effectively to articulate their understanding of Indigenous issues and debates
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Analyse race relations in Australia from 1788 to the present
Critically reflect on their cultural positioning and perspectives, schooling and teaching experiences and evaluate how these understandings shape their knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Identify, plan and justify the use of effective teaching strategies for Indigenous Australians
Critically analyse resources for classroom/curriculum use
Demonstrate skills in working collaboratively
Compose an essay that develops an academic argument with appropriate referencing
Demonstrate research and communication skills
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