Concepts and Definitions of BiomechanicsJoints and MusclesLinear KinematicsAngular KinematicsCentre of Gravity and Centre of MassLinear KineticsNewtons Laws of MotionAngular KineticsWork, Energy & PowerInjuryApplications
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This topic aims to provide a foundation for the principle of biomechanics, introducing students to the mechanical analysis of human motion. On completion, students will be able to accurately describe, analyse and evaluate movement using basic biomechanical principles as they apply to the needs of the population.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of linear and angular motion and the relationship between force and motion as it applies to movement of the human body
Describe biomechanical principles and how they relate to the analysis of various forms of human movement to demonstrate an understanding of health and injury
Demonstrate an understanding of the terminology, conventions and equipment used in the measurement and analysis of biomechanics
Apply the principles of the biomechanical analysis of human movement in the context of health, exercise, sport and activities of daily living in a variety of populations
Effectively use instrumentation and equipment to qualitatively and quantitatively analyse human and object motion
Effectively communicate biomechanics knowledge in various forms (eg. reports, abstracts, lab books)
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Requisites information