
Students entering the field of exercise science require the basic knowledge and skills, and a rationale for the provision of exercise to enhance physiological function in healthy populations. This requires an understanding of the core professional and scientific sub disciplines. This topic will present students with the historical and professional … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to provide a fundamental basis to the overall field and profession of exercise science. Students will develop an understanding and practise in a number of sub disciplines (biomechanics, exercise physiology, skill acquisition, and exercise prescription) that underpin the study of exercise science. The topic will describe at an introductory level the important scientific aspects of professional practice in exercise science thereby setting a contextual framework for study of other topics within Bachelor of Exercise Science.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Examine the historical and scientific origins of the field of exercise science and how these link to contemporary professional practice
Describe the function, regulation and interaction of physiological systems relating to exercise
Describe the individual and integrated physiological responses to acute and chronic exercise
Understand and employ a range of tools and methods to monitor and evaluate exercise load and progression, including mechanical, physiological and perceptual methods that are appropriate for human movement
Describe and compare the principles and characteristics of exercise prescription in different scenarios for healthy populations, chronic disease prevention and performance enhancement
Apply fundamental biomechanical principles and how they relate to various forms of human movement
Relate the principles of biomechanical analysis to human movement in the context of exercise, health, sport and activities of daily living in a variety of populations
Communicate scientific data and movement techniques using appropriate illustrations and user-friendly terms
Examine concepts of skill acquisition of exercise and movement tasks


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