
Between 1453 and 1789, the Early Modern World was engulfed in a series a dramatic changes. From the rise and the falls of kingdoms, dynasties and empires, to the devastating effects of diseases and wars, the world seemed to move at a faster pace. This topic surveys radical changes and … For more content click the Read More button below.


This topic aims to:

  • Acquire a strong knowledge of Cultures and societies in a number of temporal and geographical contexts in the Early Modern World
  • Perspectives on historical events and agents and how these perspectives contribute to historical discourse within the profession and more broadly
  • Acquire the ability to undertake historical research and reporting on the Early Modern World
  • Effectively communicate a nuanced understanding of some of the main historical events and concepts from 1453 to 1789
  • Work independently and collaboratively
  • Maintaining the normative ethical standard of the discipline of history in the graduate's research and reporting practices
  • Develop an understanding of the necessity of life-long learning and constant renewal of knowledge and skills in light of advances in the graduate's chosen field

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Critically reflect upon the shaping of the Early Modern World and the historical actors which forged it from the 1400s to the late 1700s
Demonstrate an appreciation of the complexities, characteristics and legacies of the Early Modern World
Have developed their communication skills through clear and effective writing in written assessments for the topic, and public speaking in tutorial
Locate, collect, interpret and synthesise a range of historical sources to develop a coherent argument
Plan, research and write an academic essay

Assumed knowledge

Familiarity with the kind of knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills that would be acquired by the completion of at least 4.5 units of first year level undergraduate topics from the History major.