Even decades after it took place, the Holocaust remains one of the most controversial events in the 20th century. This topic adopts a multi-disciplinary approach in attempting to come to terms with it. The focus will be primarily on the origins, the practice and the consequences of the persecution of … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to:
- Impart to students a detailed knowledge of the events which constitute what is known as the Holocaust
- Familiarize students with key definitional, methodological and theoretical issues
- Develope students' awareness of the events leading to and constituting the Holocaust
- Discuss critically a wide range of primary and secondary sources, printed and other, dealing with this theme
- Encourage critical awareness of issues of uniqueness of comparability
- Impart an advanced knowledge of Holocaust historiography
- Develop existing skills in scholarly writing, research and oral presentation to an advanced level
- Foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation that encourages students to both learn through collaborationand to become independent and critical thinkers
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