In this topic students critically examine the scientific, social and political construction of 'race' and racism and their global impacts, particularly the use of these ideas in colonial processes of 'settlement' in Australian contexts. With an emphasis on Indigenous Australia, the topic will examine the importance of representations of history … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to:
- Introduce students to 'scientific' racial theories as applied to Indigenous people within Australia and help them understand how 'race' as a social construction informs perceptions of progress
- Provide students with insight into how representations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are informed by ideas of race and asks them to consider what it means to be human in the wake of attempted genocide while examining the language of 'race' within the contemporary world
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Critically assess the human application of key 'scientific' ideas of race social Darwinism and Eugenics
Critically analyse 'race' within law and social policy in Australia
Discuss key Indigenous responses to representations of race in Australia
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