
This topic explores the nature of conflict and different ways of dealing with it once it has materialised into a dispute. Drawing on Australian and international examples, this topic examines the causes of conflict and frameworks for analysing disputes that are practically and theoretically informed. After introducing the broad scope … For more content click the Read More button below. Case studies and problem-based scenarios will be incorporated to enhance discussion and skill building. Importantly, this topic analyses methods for resolving disputes ranging from litigation to alternative forms of dispute resolution, such as mediation and negotiation. Identifying and practising dispute management skills, particularly those relevant to negotiation and mediation, will be a significant part of the weekly workshops.

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This topic aims to assist students to:

  • Think critically about the management of disputes in light of legal, business, organisational, institutional, interpersonal and ethical constraints
  • Analyse disputes from a range of theoretically and practically informed perspectives
  • Apply a range of dispute management skills, particularly those relevant to negotiation and mediation

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Describe the nature of conflict and the various ways in which disputes can be handled
Understand the theoretical basis for the various approaches to the resolution of disputes and the connection to other disciplines
Identify the sources of conflict in a given situation and hypothesising the most appropriate dispute resolution method for dealing with it
Understand the role of conflict in society and within an organisation
Be aware of responding appropriately to the ethical issues facing dispute resolution professionals
Describe alternative dispute resolution and its critiques in the management of disputes in Australia
Implement a range of dispute management techniques, particularly those relevant to negotiation and mediation, in an ethical fashion
Demosntrate interpersonal skills and collaboration necessary for the successful resolution of disputes as both a first and third party
Demonstrate skills in clear written and oral communication
Conduct independent research utilising inter alia international scholarly texts


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