This topic will review the judicial remedies available in private law. The perspective adopted will be that of remedial goals, namely compensation, restitution, punishment, coercion and urgency. In this way, the topic can cut across the traditional compartments of tort, contract and property on the one hand, and law, equity … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to:
- Convey to students awareness, understanding of and the facility to work competently with the rules governing the range of judicial remedies available in private law to redress wrongs
- Introduce students to a functional analysis of the law of remedies by providing understanding of the goals and functions of the Australian civil remedial system, including whether and how the system effectively achieves these goals through the remedies it makes available to victims of civil wrongs
- Cement students' understanding of the place, significance and operation of principles of equity in the Australian legal system, especially in relation to the law of remedies
- Encourage students to develop further their skills in legal research, writing and analysis
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Link goals and functions to specific civil remedies available in Australian private law
Identify the remedial issues that arise out of hypothetical factual scenarios that relate to selected wrongs either committed or anticipated
Use accepted forms of legal reasoning and analysis to articulate in persuasive fashion reasoned solutions to issues arising from such scenarios
Explain and, from the perspectives of remedial goals and functions and the distinctions between law and equity, critique the conventional understanding of the operation of the law of remedies
Find and effectively use the sources of law and the products of legal resarch and scholarship
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