
This topic is designed to give students an appreciation of the issues and complexities of medical science and research in the current climate of funding imperatives. The student will also learn of the bridges and networks that operate between university-hospital, research institutes and commercial companies. Students will learn to research … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to gain an understanding of:

  • The impact of disease on the individual and community
  • Protection of intellectual property and commercialisation of discovery
  • The nature of clinical trials, medical ethics and legal issues related to ownership and use of human tissue
  • Diagnostic laboratory accreditation
  • The issues of quality assurance and quality control in a diagnostic laboratory
  • The conduct of point of care testing in clinical pathology
  • The forces and current expectations impacting on medical research and the researcher
  • How to analyse, research and communicate your opinion on an important question that impacts on current day medical science and research

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Propose alterations which may contribute to disease integrating knowledge of mammalian cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, and human anatomy and physiology
Critically evaluate the relevant scientific literature
Formulate a research objective from a field of medical research
Analyse the purpose and limitations of research methods
Create a logical series of experiments to address a research objective


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Requisites information


Assumed knowledge

Knowledge of basic medical sciences topics.