This topic is a contextualized study of the midwifery profession and practice. Students will be introduced to the history of midwifery, contemporary midwifery practice, primary health care philosophies, the politics of health systems, professional regulation, and legal and ethical issues.
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This topic aims to introduce students to the midwifery profession and midwifery practice within an Australian and global context.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Demonstrate a beginning understanding of the professional role and standards of the Midwife
Understand the history of midwifery, how it has shaped the role of the midwife in Australia today, its impact on international midwifery practice, politics and health systems
Critically examine and analyse models of maternity care and collaborative practice in partnering with women and promoting culturally appropriate, woman centred care
Develop critical thinking and reflective practice skills through the exploration of midwifery as art
Demonstrate knowledge of the structures and physiology of the female reproductive system through art
Appraise the professional, legal and ethical principles underpinning midwifery practice, to a beginning level
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Requisites information