
This topic will prepare students to enter the midwifery profession and transition confidently into midwifery professional practice.

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This topic aims to prepare students to enter the midwifery profession by promoting commitment to lifelong learning and professional development, particularly in the areas of midwifery leadership, advocacy and preceptorship.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Describe the differences between the student role and the Registered Midwife role and identify strategies to undertake the transition
Prepare professional workforce applications
Demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and continuing professional development
Apply the principles of learning and teaching in midwifery practice
Identify and interpret legislation in relation to midwifery practice
Critically analyse the importance of midwives as leaders, managers, preceptors, educators and agents of change


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Additional information

Other topic information

Must be enrolled in final year of course (or final two years of course if studying part-time).