
This topic covers basic trauma management in the prehospital setting. Concepts of the patterns and mechanisms of injury are introduced. Specific types of injuries and how they are managed are explored in detail.

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The care of victims of acute traumatic injury forms a significant part of paramedic practice. In many cases the traumatic experience may appear to be an innocuous event with the patients' signs and symptoms not reflecting the possible severe life threatening injuries that could have been inflicted by certain types of mechanisms of injury. Paramedic practice demands the student to develop their understanding of these mechanisms of injury, the particular anatomy and physiological injuries associated with such mechanisms, and the assessment and treatment strategies to optimise patient care. Specific types of traumatic injuries will be examined with appropriate methods of management with special attention to spinal precautions. Students will understand the implications of Mass Casualty Incidents and Disaster management. Students will also develop their understanding of trauma and its implications on special populations such as paediatrics, obstetrics, elderly and bariatric patients.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Analyse patterns and mechanisms of injury and make predictions about the patient's health status in the trauma emergency pre-hospital setting
Define major trauma and the resources available to paramedics/patients in such cases
Discuss the difference with trauma in the special populations of paediatrics, obstetrics, elderly and bariatric
Develop understanding of the 'shocked state' within the trauma patient
Outline assessment and management of the trauma patient in regards to various traumatic injuries
Describe energy forms associated with trauma
Describe, demonstrate and discuss spinal immobilisation techniques including log roll techniques, spine boards and the Oregon spinal splint
Outline basics of fracture management
Outline basics of Multi Casualty Incident Management and Disaster Management
Outline assessment and management of patients suffering traumatic injuries


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Requisites information


Assumed knowledge

Resuscitation at Basic Life support level.