Professional paramedic practice can often occur within social contexts that are legally and ethically complex. This topic provides careful guidance on the statutory and common law components of paramedic practice and introduces students to the relevant legislation and cases for South Australia in particular, and the national scene in general. … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to provide students with a clear appreciation of the legal and ethical parameters for provision of emergency care in pre-hospital settings.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Accurately identify the sections of South Australian legislation governing consent to medical treatment, refusal of care, conditions for action under necessity and special categories of patients for whom additional considerations hold
Understand the implications for paramedic practice of the Health Act 2008 (SA)
Conduct quick and efficient research in legal databases to extract relevant cases for examination and discussion
Understand the structure of the South Australian court system and its interstate and federal counterparts
Appreciate how legal practice is structured and governed in South Australia
Explain the principles upon which ethical guidelines for professional clinical practice across disciples are premised
Demonstrate a critical grasp of the dynamic relationship that holds between morality and law
Critically debate the importance of the rule of law in a liberal democratic polity
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Requisites information
Assumed knowledge
Familiarity with the range of emergency interventions.