
Paramedic practice requires a generalist approach to all types of people, including children, the elderly and women during pregnancy. This topic explores pathophysiological processes in these three distinct life phases. Students will examine the types of illnesses which specifically affect these groups or have more significant health outcomes in these … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to explore:

  • Disease processes and traumas affecting the health of paediatric patients
  • Illness and complexities that occur during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Aged related changes and illness trajectories in the elderly

Learning from previous studies within the degree will be applied into these three life-span related patient groups, with a focus on the unique responses of these patients. Skills and knowledge required for the assessment, diagnosis and care of these population groups in the out-of-hospital setting is a major focus of the topic.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Discuss contemporary issues regarding the care of obstetric and paediatric patient populations in contemporary paramedicine and within the context of the broader Australian healthcare setting, including Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander cultures, and the social and cultural determinants of health
Demonstrate sound paramedic skills and knowledge regarding comprehensive care, safe communication practices, and quality use of medications in paediatric and obstetric patient populations
Integrate with interprofessional healthcare professionals and teams to provide clinically and culturally safe paramedic care, in accordance with the relevant National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards
Recognise and respond to acute health needs of obstetric and paediatric patients and apply skills and knowledge in the paramedic scope of practice to provide optimal care and life support
Demonstrate the care of a mother and neonate during childbirth
Describe major complications of childbirth and demonstrate care strategies and clinical decisions required to manage these complications in the out of hospital setting
Describe normal aged related changes and common illness trajectories seen in the aged person
Describe the signs of poor coping and identify strategies and resources to support the health of the elderly
Discuss the aetiology and consequences of falls and fractures, dementia, depression and other mental state disorders and skin disorders, skin tears and pressure areas


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Requisites information
