Filmmakers construct and manipulate time and space, as well as seeking to guide spectators' attention to narratively or thematically important material. Since the beginning of the cinema they have done this in radically, as well as subtly, different ways. This topic explores ways in which stylistic elements such as cinematography, … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to:
- Enhance students' ability to identify, and think critically about, the poetics of film form
- Increase knowledge of the varieties of practice in the history of the cinema
- Allow students to try out stylistic ideas in their own practice of filmmaking
- Offer a framework for, and practice in, independent research in the cinema
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Analyse formal components of the cinema in oral and written forms
Evaluate the possibilities involved in cinematography, staging, editing and sound design
Critically articulate a detailed historical understanding of the cinema
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