Students will write, pitch and begin pre-production on an 8-15 minute video project to be produced in SCME9001A-B Screen and Media Production 6, Major Project. Through independent study, film screenings and pitching students will develop appropriate scripts and proposals for the major production project.
Students will meet regularly with their … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to:
- Develop advanced research, writing and pre-production skills for making short video productions
- Identify and document suitable content and narratives for short video production
- Enhance understanding of the screen production industry
- Develop the capacity to research, write and pitch short narratives and film scripts
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Research, write and pitch a short video production
Synthesise research and/or production skills and knowledge through written communication/assessment
Structure and describe a short narrative through a screenplay and pitch documentation
Identify key issues in research and writing for video production
Identify and articulate key considerations in short video pre-production
Communicate the significance and original ideas contained in a short video script
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Requisites information