
This topic will cover advanced aspects of the following concepts: Chemical Structure and BondingReaction KineticsThermodynamics ElectrochemistryOrganic reactions Students will use laboratory equipment related to the above concepts. Attendance at laboratory classes is compulsory.

Topic availabilities

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Tuition pattern

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The topic aims to:

  • Reinforce and expand upon Year 12 Chemistry in South Australia while introducing students to new areas of chemistry
  • Together with related higher year topics, provide students with the full complement of theorectical and practical skills that are essential to a career as a professional chemist
  • Provide the necessary grounding in basic chemistry for students who will eventually major in other disciplines
  • Explore modern methods of molecular identification, redox and organic chemistry, kinetics and physical chemistry
  • Prepare students to undertake higher year studies in chemistry

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Apply chemical concepts as outlined in the topic syllabus
Develop useful generic and scientific skills in Chemistry and start to develop chemical intuition for type of reactions or chemical transformations that might occur as relevant to the topic syllabus
Demonstrate skills in handling chemicals, apparatus and instrumentation
Demonstrate communication skills, skills in solving problems and build self-confidence
Develop independent study skills
Demonstrate teamwork and problem-solving skills in addition to strengthening self-learning skills


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Requisites information
