
The relationship between Special and Inclusive Education has historically been a complex and uneasy one. This topic provides preservice teachers with an overview of their development in broader historical and social contexts. Preservice teachers are introduced to inclusion as a rights-based philosophy. Policies and research-based practices that underpin inclusive approaches … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to:

  • Introduce preservice teachers to the fields of special and inclusive education, which are based on philosophies, evidence-based principles and theories, relevant laws and policies, diverse and historical points of view, and human issues that have influenced and continue to influence the education and treatment of students with diverse needs both in school and society
  • Explore the beliefs, traditions, and values across and within cultures which affect relationships among and between students, their families, and the school community
  • Provide a foundation for the use of quality curriculum to promote equitable access, participation and achievement
  • Provide preservice teachers with the skills to personalise, adapt, and adjust materials and instructional variables in order to meet the needs of diverse students
  • Foster professional collaboration (e.g. transdisciplinary teams) as an integrated approach to teaching and learning
  • Develop professional resilience through a focus on personal and social capabilities

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Apply knowledge of historical and social developments that have shaped both special and inclusive education
Determine key terminology, concepts, roles and service models
Dissect legal and ethical professional practice standards and relevant policies and their implications for students across a range of settings
Analyse research evidence and evaluate contemporary claims related to special and inclusive education
Deduce the extent to which specific learning environments foster cultural understanding, safety and emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and active engagement and encourage the independence, self-motivation, self-direction, personal empowerment, and self-advocacy of individuals with diverse learning needs
Identify skills and strategies that are helpful in developing and maintaining professional relationships, support networks, personal wellbeing, and motivation


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