
Pre-service teachers will learn about self-regulated learning and its role in developing students’ agency in learning. Pre-service teachers will investigate cognitive development and the role of memory and motivation in learning. They will consider how they integrate theories of learning into their practice. They will discuss the important role played … For more content click the Read More button below. At the completion of the university component of this topic, all students are required to successfully undertake a 15 day in-school placement and achieve the 'emerging' level or above.

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This topic aims to:

  • Explore the concept of agency and the development of self-regulated learning
  • Develop pre-service teachers’ understanding of the learning theories of cognitivism, humanism and behaviourism and understand ways each theory can be applied to promote student learning in schools
  • Explore the concept of cognitive development and its relationship to learning and teaching strategies
  • Explore theories of motivation, including cognitive engagement, and make links with learning and teaching
  • Introduce the concept of a Professional Learning Community and engage pre-service teachers in discussing classroom learning and teaching scenarios
  • Have pre-service teachers participate in a school teaching placement of 15 days duration and implement and submit a lesson plan 

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Explain the concept of cognitive development and its relationship to learning and teaching strategies
Explain theories of motivation, including self-regulation of learning and cognitive engagement and describe what this means for your teaching
Categorise whether assessment approaches are for, of, or as learning and explain your pedagogical reasoning
Identify a learning strategy and plan teach, evaluate, provide and respond to feedback on this to peers in the collaborative environment of a Professional Learning Community
Validate your completion of a 15-day professional experience placement and related placement tasks


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Requisites information
