
This topic invites pre‐service teachers to explore more deeply how young children learn to read and the foundational knowledge and understandings which underpin this process. The role of parents and community are considered in children’s early experience. Knowledge of evidence‐based practice around emergent reading is developed and pre‐service teachers apply … For more content click the Read More button below. This topic will prepare pre‐service teachers for their first extended block of professional experience. Each pre‐service teacher completes 5 single day visits and work with a mentor teacher to establish plans for a 6‐week block‐placement in Semester 2. This topic focusses on the transition from theory to practice considering perspectives on contemporary Australian and international Early Childhood research and practice. The topic introduces the communicative and technical research skills which pre‐service teachers will use when theorising upon and implementing the inquiry focus of their placement sites.

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Tuition pattern

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This topic aims to:

  • Inform pre‐service teachers about the foundational knowledge required for children to learn to read and how evidence‐based practice across the following elements are important in children’s early reading experience; phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and oral language
  • Support pre‐service teachers in identifying, articulating and reflecting upon reading pedagogies which are effective in supporting children’s early reading progress 
  • Inform and give opportunities to practise how to plan for and assess children’s early reading
  • Give pre‐teachers the necessary tools to effectively assess children’s reading and respond to ensure the progress of children’s reading development
  • Identify a range of assessment strategies and practise using them with young children
  • Organise and construct a plan that allows for effective teaching and learning to be undertaken during the Professional Experience placement
  • Summarise how to make an effective contribution to children’s’ learning through a curriculum inquiry

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Define reading and articulate how children derive meaning from text and how reading fluency may be promoted in young readers
Synthesise research literature and different perspectives to articulate an informed and evidence‐based approach to teaching reading
Utilise appropriate and highly effective pedagogies for teaching reading which acknowledge semantic, grammatical, graphophonic and visual knowledge
Apply understanding of how phonics and other decoding skills are taught intentionally and build on children’s existing knowledge
Correctly assess children’s reading comprehension and articulate related proficiencies
Support children’s developing identity as readers and promote diverse experiences with quality literature and multimodal texts
Demonstrate awareness of relationships, skills and legal and ethical responsibilities which will contribute to successful professional experience
Evidence an array of assessment strategies used to plan, prepare and implement learning experiences for young children with support and guidance from the mentor teacher
Develop a research or curriculum inquiry that progressively and effectively contributes to young children’s learning over time


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Requisites information
