
This prepares pre‐service teachers for the Teaching Performance Assessment focused on the Expressive Arts. By completing this topic pre‐service teachers gain expert content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and a capacity to design an effective sequence of lessons and plan strategies to evidence, evaluate and improve the impact of their teaching … For more content click the Read More button below.


This topic aims to:

  • Develop pre‐service teachers’ capacity to align curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in Expressive Arts
  • Develop pre‐service teachers’ capacity to evidence, evaluate and improve the impact of their teaching on student learning in the Expressive Arts
  • Enhance pre‐service teachers’ understanding of the assessment, recording and reporting cycle in the Expressive Arts curriculum
  • Enhance pre‐service teachers’ understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learnings relevant to the Expressive Arts curriculum

Requisites information
