This topic involves seminars and working with a research supervisor. Candidates' skills in research design are further developed. This topic focuses specifically upon the place of methodology and method in the research process. The topic builds research capacity through engagement with key educational issues and literature. Assessment is developed with … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to:
- Develop candidate awareness, knowledge and proficiency in research methodology and methods
- Enable candidates to effectively plan an informed research study to ensure rigor, and ethical engagement with participants
- Develop candidate awareness of ethical matters in research human subjects, and
- Enable candidates to successfully present their scholarship ideas to an academic audience
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Write a literature review appropriate for a proposed field of study
Generate a research plan with aims, research questions and a conceptual framework that is consistent and appropriate to the study aims and methods
Plan a research study strategy that is rigorous, and ethical
Present a review of the scholarship to other candidates in the award and selected academic staff, and
Develop an assessment of the ethics implications for the study
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Requisites information