
This topic introduces candidates to data analysis, reporting on research findings and tools for analysing research findings. The principal aim of this topic is to develop the researcher's capacity to manage, analyse and report on research findings. Candidates will demonstrate their ability to engage in critical reflection, synthesis and evaluation … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to:

  • Develop an advanced awareness of academic protocol and tradition in the field of research
  • Develop advanced level analysis of research data demonstrating an advanced and synthesised knowledge of theoretical and disciplinary influences on their research study
  • Establish the candidates' capacity to independently manage, analyse and report on their data with advanced proficiency in one theoretical approach
  • Develop the candidates' capacity to articulate the links between academic research and professional practice, and
  • Generate new knowledge and understanding contributing to the field of research and professional practice

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Critically appraise and evaluate the implications of different epistemological standpoints in research design and analysis
Critically reflect upon and justify their preferred research discipline and its implications for their data analysis
Develop, synthesise and implement a range of different theoretical frameworks in their field and clearly articulate a preferred theoretical approach for their research analysis and reporting
Integrate and apply the multidisciplinary skills and knowledge that are required to progress education policy, management and practice through the reporting of research findings
Utilise knowledge gained of research principles and methods in order to conceptualise and disseminate research ideas that makes an original and sustained contribution to knowledge in education policy, management and practice
Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the politics and ethics of education policy, and the role of research and management in professional practice
Critically evaluate your disciplinary, epistemological and theoretical approach and apply it to the analysis of their research findings
Generate new knowledge and understanding to contribute the field of research through the communication of research findings


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Requisites information
