
This topic comprises a lecture course on drug action, metabolism, toxicology and analysis and a laboratory component.The topic deals with the chemical interaction of drug molecules with biological systems and the analysis of drugs from a variety of matrices. Topics covered include the interaction of drugs with enzymes, receptors, membranes … For more content click the Read More button below.

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The theory part of the topic aims to give the students a sound theoretical knowledge of the way drugs function and interact with biological systems including adsorption, metabolism and excretion. Following on from this an understanding is gained of how forensic analysis can utilise different body fluids or parts. The way different analytical techniques can be used to determine the presence and quantity of a drug or metabolite in a body will be discussed.

The practical component develops the student's practical skills in the analysis of compounds from a variety of matrices in the proficiency exercises. Data base searching and information gathering, project planning and reporting skills are further developed in the project based component of the laboratory work. This brings together the body of knowledge gained through previous study and thus provides a capstone to their understanding. The excursion gives the student an appreciation of the variety and application of chemistry in local industry.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Explain the nature of different drugs and toxins
Elucidate the action of a given drug on an enzyme or receptor or other site of action
Understand the processes of drug administration, metabolism and excretion
Explain the techniques used for the analysis of a variety of drugs and toxins from a variety of matrices
Perform a range of principle chemical analysis techniques used in a forensic laboratory with consideration of the regulatory framework surrounding chemistry, including Occupational Health and Safety, ethics, data storage and Intellectual Property
Review literature in a given area and analyse and critically evaluate ideas/information/data and apply relevant scientific principles to solve problems by, for example, creating hypotheses, testing theories and predictions, designing and carrying out experiments and analysing reported data
Show communication skills in the preparation of reports and present research results in a seminar format
Explain the relevance of chemistry to local industry
Appreciate the context of the knowledge gained through this and previous topics


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