
This topic develops and extends the four core language-learning skills through two means: an exploration of online Indonesia and the weekly completion of Warung Sinema exercises. The weekly class time is devoted to a short topical reading connected to a current online source, a discussion of that, and a student … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to:

  • Develop more advanced language skills in the core areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking
  • Integrate opportunities to learn about Indonesia within the study of the Indonesian language

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Critically interpret authentic written texts and spoken passages in Indonesian, of different language varieties and registers
Use articulated Indonesian to communicate autonomously and proficiently in speech and in writing, in a range of different registers
Produce a range of nuanced grammatical and lexical elements in Indonesian
Critique specific aspects of Indonesian culture, as they are expressed through language: news, health, etc.


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Requisites information
