Law of the sea is an important area of international law. International law of the sea regulates competing interests arising from different uses of the sea, such as navigation, fishing, exploration and exploitation of living and non-living marine resources.
The topic will discuss the legal status of different maritime zones, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Students will be introduced to international law principles relating to navigation, international law of fisheries, marine scientific research, military use of the sea, and exploration for and exploitation of offshore energy resources, including deep-sea mining.
The topic examines the prevention of marine pollution and the protection of the marine environment, including the implications of potential carbon sequestration, and maritime boundaries disputes.
The topic also examines the implementation of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention in Australia, and federal-state issues relating to the use of the sea and its resources.
This topic aims to teach students to:
- Recognise the legal status of different maritime zones under provisions of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention
- Discuss the implementation of the Law of the Sea Convention in Australian law
- Explain in their own words the international legal principles relating to exploration for, and exploitation of offshore energy resources, including deep-sea mining
- Examine the protection of marine environment under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, and other international instruments
- Describe the conflict between different uses of the sea, particularly navigation and fishing
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Recognise the concepts of different maritime zones and the rights and interests of the coastal states in those areas
Identify international legal principles relating to navigation and fishing in different maritime zones
Demonstrate a general knowledge of international offshore energy law
Describe international law relating to the protection of the marine environment
Interpret Australia's rights and interests in different marine areas and historical federal-state legal issues
Requisites information