This topic looks at nuclear weapons and nuclear energy related issues in international law, including general international law framework, nuclear waste management, and state responsibility. This topic will have some focus on Australia’s practice in terms of nuclear energy and nuclear waste management while North Korea and Iran’s practice will … For more content click the Read More button below.
This topics aims to:
- Examine the international legal framework in terms of nuclear weapons, including the legality of use of nuclear weapons and nuclear testing
- Enable students to critically analyse important international nuclear disputes and cases
- Evaluate the connections between international law and domestic law (commonwealth and state law) in relation to nuclear energy in Australia
- Evaluate the legal framework of nuclear energy in international law
- Explore issues in nuclear waste management with a focus on Australia
- Examine the potential state responsibility in relation to nuclear facilities and materials
- Develop skills of scholarly research, writing, and critical analysis
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Identify and apply the main principles and rules concerning nuclear weapons, nuclear energy and nuclear waste management
Evaluate Australia’s practice in nuclear weapons, energy and waste management
Analyse how state responsibility applies in the area of nuclear related disasters
Communicate clearly and effectively in a scholarly and academic method of writing in relation to analysing nuclear energy and weapons in international legal issues
Requisites information