This capstone Medical Science topic is designed to give a range of students an appreciation of the issues and complexities of medical science and research in the current climate of funding imperatives. Students will learn of the collaborative bridges and networks that operate between university-hospital, research institutes and commercial companies; … For more content click the Read More button below.
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This topic aims to improve understanding and impart skills on:
- Interpretation and critical analysis of scientific data presented in news articles vs peer reviewed journals vs social media
- The impact of new developments in science on disease and health in the individual and community
- An awareness of the diverse career opportunities in science
- How to develop an online presence for self-promotion and presentation of learned skills
- How scientific data and points of view can change over time and how to effectively gather and compile this data for written and verbal presentation
- An appreciation that AI gathered information could be biased and incorrect with potential for propagation of misleading information
- Development and protection of intellectual property and commercialisation and/or clinical translation of discovery
- The nature of clinical trials, medical ethics and legal issues related to specific studies focusing on a South Australian perspective
- The importance of quality assurance and quality control in a diagnostic laboratory and accreditation
- How to objectively identify an unmet need to develop research questions that address a gap in the field of medical science and locate potential funding resources
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Evaluate and discriminate factors that influence opinion in medical science, regarding human health and disease, current and new technology, the changing environment and the impact to the broader community
Critically assess scientific literature and data from social, professional and alternative news sites to construct an objective analysis. Incorporate an understanding of the importance of quality controls, assurance and the role of professional accreditation
Strengthen teamwork and communication skills by synthesising and simplifying scientific content into a short written or oral communication
Increase awareness and ability to appraise diverse career opportunities and the range of roles associated with medical science, including laboratory medicine and clinical trials. Apply skills learned to value and construct a professional profile for career development
Expand social accountability to fortify awareness and the ability to contextualise the influence of medical science on society and various cultures, (including indigenous, national and international), regarding impact on health, wellbeing and the environment
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