This topic covers requisite knowledge and skills in pharmacology and prescribing for midwives. This topic is one of two that prepares Registered Midwives to be eligible to apply for endorsement for scheduled medicines with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
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This topic aims to prepare Registered Midwives with the knowledge, skills and competence in pharmacology and prescribing. This will include critical elements relating to assessment, management and referral of women throughout the childbearing continuum, as required by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia for endorsement for scheduled medicines.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Demonstrate advanced understanding of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of pregnancy, birth and the post-natal period in relation to maternal and foetal/neonatal status and pharmacotherapy
Assess clinical presentations and develop a pharmacotherapy plan in partnership with the woman and in consultation with and/or referral to other health care providers as necessary
Evidence comprehensive knowledge of pharmacology of medicines prescribed across the continuum of midwifery care and as applied to individual contexts of practice
Demonstrate the capacity to autonomously prescribe according to applicable legislation, regulations and policies
Critically analyse the scope of practice of the endorsed midwife and safety, quality and risk management in pharmacotherapy
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Requisites information
Assumed knowledge
Have up to date theoretical and clinical knowledge relating to midwifery practice, including basic pharmacology and medication management.
Additional information
Other topic information
Students must be a registered midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. To be eligible to apply for endorsement for scheduled medicines, students must be a midwife registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia without any restrictions or notations.