
This topic addresses particular palliative clinical issues and clinical decision making for older people with a life limiting illness within residential aged care facilities and community settings. Palliative care in these settings typically occurs over a protracted period and involves 3 discreet forms; a palliative approach, specialised palliative care and … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to broaden student knowledge and understanding of the palliative care needs of older people across a variety of care settings.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Describe the philosophy and practice of palliative care for older people in a variety of settings
Compare and contrast the common dying trajectories of older people with a life limiting illness and differentiate between the decline in malignant and non-malignant conditions
Identify strategies for assessing when a palliative approach, specialist palliative care, supportive care is appropriate and articulate how are these decisions are made
Distinguish between the concepts of social, psychological and biological death and describe their application to patients and caregivers
Review the concept of advance directives and their relevance to local legislative frameworks, interpreting the implications of these for practice
Identify and discuss issues of advanced care planning for older people, particularly those with cognitive impairment and describe the complexity of decision making in the absence of an advanced directive
Describe the unique clinical aspects involved in the palliative care of older people
Discuss the implications of loss and grief on families, carers and staff within this population of older people


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Requisites information


Assumed knowledge

Familiarity in the use of literature and accessing relevant data bases including OVID Medline, CINAHL, Pubmed- and others as appropriate.