
To effectively manage life threatening emergencies in the pre-hospital environment, the paramedic student must first acquire an integrated understanding of normal human anatomy and physiology. This topic will provide students with the theoretical platform on which they can build their understanding of clinical pathologies encountered in paramedic practice. This topic … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to expand the student's knowledge of human anatomy and physiology developed during HLTH1004 Human Bioscience and provide a sound theoretical foundation for the acquisition of clinical skill sets required by the paramedic practitioner.

The primary aim is to prepare the students for second year clinical pathophysiology topics by integrating their understanding of:

  • Cells, tissues and body organs
  • Cellular metabolism and its relationship to energy production and oxygen utilisation
  • The general control of physiological function by the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems
  • The homeostatic and compensatory mechanisms important for normal function of body systems with a focus on the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Demonstrate an applied understanding of anatomy and physiology to rationalise the development and impact of injury or illness on the human body
Identify the key compensatory mechanisms the human body uses to maintain homeostasis and align these with the signs and symptoms and patterns of illness observed in paramedicine
Build a strong foundational knowledge base of core physiological principles to underpin patient assessment and management strategies relevant to paramedicine
Correlate the application of the paramedic primary survey with underlying physiological functions and evidence-based practice principles
Apply a sound theoretical basis of human anatomy and physiology to explain the expected changes to structure and function evident in pregnancy
Adapt clinical practice to meet the changing physiological and pathophysiological presentations associated with the progression of illness and injury observed in paramedicine


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Assumed knowledge

General understanding of human anatomy and physiology.