
In this topic orthopaedics and musculoskeletal disorders across the life span will be covered from the perspective of underlying disease processes, presenting signs and symptoms. This topic will introduce the student to assessment and treatment techniques used by physiotherapists in the management of orthopaedic and peripheral musculoskeletal disorders. The emphasis … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to establish specific knowledge and skills related to physiotherapy for peripheral musculoskeletal and orthopaedic conditions. General principles of physiotherapy examination and treatment will be introduced, alongside methods of evaluating treatment outcomes.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Demonstrate a graduate entry knowledge of non-spinal musculoskeletal pathologies
Engage in a collaborative client centred model of practice
Plan and implement efficient, effective, collaborative evidence based physiotherapy assessments for clients presenting with non-spinal musculoskeletal conditions
Plan and implement safe and effective evidence based physiotherapy interventions in collaboration with the client
Recognise the need for, and implement, appropriate educational strategies to empower and collaboratively manage patients' physical health
Recognise clinical situations that are outside their scope of competence and then seek appropriate inter-professional support in a timely manner
Review the continuation of physiotherapy using relevant outcome measures with the aim of facilitating the client's optimal participation in their everyday life
Demonstrate effective communication to support the development of trust and rapport in professional relationships with the client and relevant others
Record and effectively communicate physiotherapy assessment findings, outcomes and decisions
Access, gather, interpret and apply information to continuously improve practice and demonstrate the ability to reflect on own practice


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