Topic availabilities
Tuition pattern
This topic aims to prepare students for their first “early practice” clinical placement.
Specific aims of the topic sessions include: gaining knowledge and skills in the use of Electro Physical Agents (EPAs); medical record documentation; clinical reasoning and professional behaviour.
Simulation-based training aims to provide opportunities to refine knowledge and skills and to gain confidence and competence in patient management.
The five week (equivalent) clinical placement encompasses orthopaedic, musculoskeletal and/or cardiorespiratory physiotherapy practice with an emphasis on independence in the management of non-complex components of care and addressing key clinical competencies. Students are expected to manage patients (assess, interpret, plan, implement and evaluate interventions using a demonstrated and sound clinical reasoning process), in collaboration with the patient. Knowledge and skills are consolidated in the clinical placement, providing the opportunity to analyse, evaluate and refine effective physiotherapy skills attained in the course to date.