
This topic involves the identification of different types of research study designs, evaluating strengths and weaknesses and selecting appropriate designs in clinical practice. Students will be able to set realistic and appropriate aims and objectives for clinical research projects and develop strategies for locating, accessing and evaluating information. This topic … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to enable students to:

  • Review the strengths and weaknesses for clinical research methodologies
  • Review appropriate study designs for clinical research questions
  • Provide an opportunity for students to develop a preliminary proposal on an area relevant to practice in their professional workplace or a specific field of interest

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Critically analyse the role of theory in underpinning clinical research
Critically evaluate the characteristics of good clinical research
Critically evaluate the importance of study design issues in clinical research such as validity, reliability, bias and sample size
Research different types of study design in clinical research, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and select appropriate designs in practice
Develop a preliminary clinical research proposal
Interpret and demonstrate a critical understanding of methods for collecting, recording and analysing qualitative and quantitative data in clinical research


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